Saturday, May 31, 2008

My Birthday Scavenger Hunt

So on Thursday i was sitting there on the couch and Kaylene came up to me holding an envelope and a video camera in her hand,she told me i had to open it so i did. And when i did it was a clue from Holly and Mandi for a scavenger hunt. I got so excited cuz it's been a long time since i had done this but at the same time i am not very good at figuring out clues and i didn't want to look stupid on camera, but i was so excited. So i jumped up off the couch and headed for the car. I ended up at our church building for clue #2, then it was off to our favorite place to get hot chocolate,the guy at the counter was so nice when i told him i needed my next clue, he smiled, pointed to the bag(which i counldn't miss it was in a green bag with a green balloon, my favorite color.)we got in the car i read my next clue and we headed to the centerville wal mart,found the green balloon with the green bag(oh i forgot to say that with every clue i got i recieved another gift. it was awesome!)then it was off to Reese J and Beccies apartment i read my clue then it was off to Micheals, where i recived my last clue and this is what it said, Your almost done, you're almost a winner! Meet us at our favorite resturant- and we'll buy you dinner. And where would that be you guessed it JOY LUCK! YUMMY! It was the best! the hunt was so much fun and most importantly i didn't look stupid! I LOVE YOU GIRLS SO MUCH!! Thanks for a great evening.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Upcoming Graduation

Well here we are. It's graduation time. With only four days of school left i decide it was time to get things ready for kaylene's graduation so kaylene and i spent most of our evening working on her Graduation Announcements. It's so hard to think that my baby will be graduating from high school. I am so proud of her and of all the things that she has accomplished to get to this point in her life. She isn't quite sure yet what she wants to become but her sights are on either Marine Biolgy or an EMT or something else in the medical feild. I know that whatever she chooses to do she will be very good at it.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Feelin' Goovy

Tonight Kaylene and I had our mother, daughter date at the Rodgers Memorial Theater we saw the play feelin' groovy. It was music from the 60s and 70s. It was alot of fun clappin and singin to some fun music. Oh ya we also went to Joy Luck for dinner and you guessed it I had the usual Tangerine Chicken no spice. It was Yummy! After the play we ended our evening at Artic Circle for a Strawberry shake for me and a Nutterbutter shake for Kaylene. Thanks Kaylene for such a fun night! I love you!

Monday, May 19, 2008




Thursday, May 15, 2008

Great Book

So last night i sat down to watch American Idol and the Jazz game which were on at the same time, i was almost done with the book i was reading so i thought well during commersials i will read cuz i really wanted to see how this story ends. So i did that till 11:30 when the Jazz game finally ended and by then i only had about 4 chapters left so i decided i am just way into this book to set it down so lets just finish it. Boy am i glad i did. IT WAS AWESOME!!! If you have never read Mary Higgins Clark books, YOU NEED TO! The one thing i love about her books is that you always think you know who committed the murder then it turns out to be some one that you really liked and never thought they could do it. Anyway great book. I finally got to bed around 12:30, I was pretty tired this morning when the alarm went off at 6:30 but it was worth it.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day Gift

Just wanted to show off my new toy my hubby got me for mothers day. I actually told him about it a while ago so he new i wanted it. It is the Cuttlebug. I love it! It embosses for me so easily. I probably wont use it alot for die cutting cuz i have the Cricut but oh i love that i can emboss on the front of my card or whatever i might be working on. I seriously need more time in the day to play with my toys.

Friday, May 9, 2008

A Sweet Surprise

Yesterday after i got home from work my sweet hubby handed me a box that fed ex had delivered earlier that day. And inside this box was two dozen rose that he bought for me for mothers day. I was so excited to get these. I love him, he is such a sweet, thoughtful, wonderful guy.THANKS REESE!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Girls Night 5/06/2008

Just wanted to let my girls know that i had a great time with them in the University Mall in Orem last night. You girls are a blast to be around. Love you guys!!!

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Wedding

I just realized that i never posted any of the actual wedding photo's from reese jay and beccie's wedding. So here are a few.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

My Cricut

Oh my gosh! Do you know that all i did today was play with my cricut. i worked on cutting stuff out for girls camp and then just played around with diffrent fonts and pictures. I love this machine! i took some pics of the machine and my giant flower that i cut out. The Dr. Dawg is for girls camp.

Ciera Dance

Thursday i was invited to a dance recital for Ciera. It was so cute to see these youg kids dancing and they are DANG good! Thanks Ciera for inviting us.

Chris and Rachelle's Wedding

Yesterday we had the oppurtunity to attend a special event. The Wedding of Chris & Rachelle Fredricksen.The sealing was so beautiful, then it was offto Joy Luck for the luncheon ohhhhhh it was yummy food, and so much of it. Just when you thought all the food was there on your table and you filled your plate then they would bring more. But it was nice to try different types of chicken. But of course my favorite was tangerine chicken. Then after lunch w went home for about an hour then headed to the reception. I had helped decorate it earlier that morning but had to leave before it was all done so when i got there that evening it was all done and oh so beatiful. The bride of course was very beatiful the groom was vey handsome, i'll have to say he looks good in Pink. Well here are a few pics that i took of last night.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I went to take Kaylene to school this morning and i opened the door to this. I was so upset(and cold.) What happened to spring? I want it back. I was hoping that my only day off this week ( which is today ) would be nice so i could enjoy being outside, but i guess not this week. Oh well, I guess i'll just do some house work. YUCK!!!