Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Worst Weekend!

On Friday I got up and took keeters to the bus,then went to Wendy's so we could walk, well as we were walking I started to feel funny, my leg muscles didn't want to work and I just thought it had something to do with the walk we took the morning before. But no, I got home took a 20 minute shower but (which is wierd for me cuz I am usually 10 min tops) I just couldn't get warm. Before i left for work I told Reese that I didn't feel right. So I went to work was there for only about 45 min when all of a sudden I felt REALLY sick. I told the lady I work with that I had better go and I called Tammy Clayton who was so nice to come in and work for me,I got home around 10:25 and crawled right into bed. Yep folks that's right I caught the nasty FLU. I fell asleep by 10:30 am and woke up at 6pm with a high fever i took some tylenol and went right back to sleep,I woke up a couple of hours later drenched,Yay, my fever broke.
So I spent the rest of the weekend in bed. And the good news is that, it's Sunday evening and I am feeling sooooo much better. I am just so glad I have had it now and hopefully won't get it again this year. To those of you that have had it you know what i am talking about and those of you that haven't yet, LOOK OUT!

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